Patience and Perseverance

Sony Kaushik
3 min readOct 18, 2021

It can be very discouraging when it appears that we’re doing everything right and have been doing it for so long and nothing is happening. But if you keep on going, things WILL happen and you’ll start seeing the rewards of your efforts.

If you want great results few years from now, plan that path of your wish now. Execute them with positive thoughts and maintain them with loving feelings.

“If you have infinite patience and perseverance, success is bound to come. No mistake in that.”

Swami Vivekananda

Every day think about what you want your life to look like in certain years. Even if you can’t quite fill in the details yet, if you just spend 5 or 10 minutes daydreaming about your life, your mind will create a mental image that becomes richer and more detailed every time. This will bring some incredible solutions to your awareness and if you act on that information, you’ll make great progress.


is absolutely necessary if you want to achieve anything. Almost nothing in life is instant (unless you go out and win the lottery). You have to know that the best things in life are worth working hard and waiting for. Great achievements often take years to attain. Ignore the noises. Any great goal you have in life likely requires a long period of sustained effort.

If you lack patience, you’ll likely burn out and give up before you reach the promised land. Keep a spreadsheet on your computer, a picture on your wall, a scale in the bathroom, a checklist on your refrigerator. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Whatever you need to keep reminding yourself why you’re doing whatever you’re doing and have patience. Don’t give up!


is an absolute piece to the puzzle. If you want something different out of your life, you need to act and be different. We’ve all heard the saying ʻif at first you donʼt succeed, try, try and try againʼ. Why on earth should we? The reason is simple: the one who keeps knocking on the door of greater understanding, personal growth and happiness will find that this door will eventually open. The only reason it remains closed at all is our lack of patience and perseverance.

The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. But you have to persevere and be more than the average. You need to ask yourself what you want out of life. Is it worth persevering for?

Whilst striving to reach a destination, setbacks are inevitable. However, setbacks are not the enemy but are often our best teachers. Whenever you find yourself falling off the path while trying to do your best, always ask the question ʻWhat have your experience taught you?ʼ Youʼll be surprised by the answers. What you shouldn't be surprised by is that the answers can sometimes take time to come

The bottom line

Patience helps you get through tough situations and make better decisions without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Perseverance, may seem like going nowhere but as someone said that it is sometimes the last key that opens up the door, we just have to keep trying. Even if it seems like progress is nonexistent, keep going.

The door will always open to who refuses to give up. Keep in mind that it’s a gradual process that won’t happen overnight. Be kind to yourself in the meantime, and spend some time focusing on and loving the present. Stay focused on the goal. Patience and Perseverance will yield great rewards!

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